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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:3回 リリース日:2024年2月21日
I walk through hell to stay alive
To leave a living that I lived
I walk through helproofl to stay alive
Our "lights" it lies beyond

My friend, I love this world
In my veins, all the past runs
My friend, I'm starting over
I don't care what they think
My friend, I love this world
In my veins, runs all our love
My friend, I'm starting over
You want to come with me?

Sometimes my voice hurts the
ones I love
I'd noticed that a while back
I don't wanna go out bad
But singing lies is
what I hate the most
I walk through hell to stay alive
To leave a living proof that I lived
I walk through hell to stay alive
Our "lights" it lies beyond

My friend, I love this world
In my veins, all the past runs
My friend, I'm starting over
I don't care what they think
My friend, I love this world
In my veins, runs all our love
My friend, I'm starting over
You want to come with me?

So don't get me wrong!!
I'm not just a good guy

Late bloomers are very tough
That is what I know, and that is
why I'm rough
I don't know what you like
I'm so into rocking myself

I counted the nights I couldn't forget
I want to find our lights in this fate
Ain't nobody kill my vibe
I'm used to them being fed up

I walk through hell to stay alive
To leave a living proof that I lived
I walk through hell to stay alive
Our "lights" it lies beyond

マイフレンド この世界を愛して
マイフレンド 強く抱きしめて
マイフレンド 歌おう
この地獄を 笑って

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