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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:5回 リリース日:2014年12月10日
作詞 AKIHIRO NAMBA/Toshiya Ohno 
作曲 NAMBA69
Gossip shows on TV
I wanna see the news
Useless information for me
PM of our country
He's telling us lies again?
Don't lead information to me

The more I know
The more I feel the fear
This is unseen terror
The more I know
The more I feel the fear
Why'd you have to die tonight?

No way!
Something's going wrong
And no one really cares
They're trying, crying, dying now
Something's going wrong
And no one really cares
Society crushes them, crushes them, trashes their lives

Suicide on TV
A hundred every day
Too much information for me
The country of our neighbor
They shot missiles again?
What will happen to the human race?

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