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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:28回 リリース日:2014年3月5日
lyrical ground
作詞 蔡忠浩 
作曲 蔡忠浩
What a beautiful signs, I can feel in sight
What a lyrical vines, I can feel inside
What a beautiful vines, What a lyrical signs

The boy lives in frozen ground
that voices, like the fragment verse

Living that is close as possible to the edge of Arctic Circles
Life in shabby clothes, but patiently, at the edge with Orcas cycles

The girl lives in frozen ground
that voices, like the Fragile verse

It's wonder, but I knew who you are
The Hunters, and founders, the origin of our love
It's wonder, but I knew you
It's wonder, but I knew who you are

girls and boys, goes around the world
boys and girls the world goes around
girls and boys, goes around the world
boys and girls the world goes around

girls and boys, goes around the world
no one else, even stars and roses touches
girls and boys, goes around the world
no one else, to feel the brand-new touches

Now, I can feel the same, this world
lyrical vines, and beautiful signs
Now, I can feel the same, this world
million leafs, and billion leaps

Now, I can feel the same, this world
birds are flying, and mundane quake
Now, I can feel the same, this world
pure oxygen, and carbons sleep

Now, I can feel the same, this world
evil water, and flag of hatred
Now, I can feel the same, this world
patchwork wave, and modern lights

Now, I can feel the same, this world
whales in fjord, and Blue Black berry
Now, I can feel the same, this world
Limits of life, and knowing of death

still life goes on, still life goes on
I'm joining that all, I'm loving that all

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