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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:18回 リリース日:2013年3月6日
Dat Dere
作詞 Oscar Brown, Jr. 
作曲 Bobby Timmons
Hey mama, what's that there?
And what's that doing there?
And mommy oh hey! Mama, hey look at that over there!
And what's that over there?
And where're they going there?
And mamma can I have that big elephant over there?

Who's that in my chair?
And what's he doing there?
And mama oh hey!
Mama, can I go over there?
Hey mama, what is square?
And where do we get air?
And mama can I have that big elephant over there?

Quizzical child!
She doesn't want anything here
Just forever demanding to know who what why or where!
Inquisitive child!
Sometimes the questions get wild!
Like mama can I have that big elephant over there?

Don't wanna comb my hair
And where's my teddy bear?
And Mamma, oh hey
There's a cowboy coming there!
And can I have a pair
Of boots like that to wear?
And mama can I have that big elephant over there?

Time will march
The years will go
Little lady's surely going to grow
I gotta tell her what she needs to know
I'll help her along
So she'll be strong
Know right from wrong

As life's parade goes marching by
She's gonna need to know some reasons why
I don't have all the answers
But I'll do the best I can
We'll make a plan

You give the kid your best
And hope she'll pass the test
And finally send her out into the world somewhere
And though she's grown up I bet I never will forget
Mama, can I have that big elephant over there?

Quizzical child!
She doesn't want anything here
Just forever demanding to know who, what, why or where!
Inquisitive child!
Sometimes the questions get wild!
Like mamma can I have that big elephant over there?

Hey why they do that there?
And how you work that there?
And mommy oh hey mommy hey what that say up there?
Hey mama, what is fair?
How come I have to share?
And mamma can I have that big elephant over there?

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