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One, Two, Three, Four
作詞 平床政治 
作曲 岡本洋平
Hermann H.&The Pacemakers
I don't need no one to tap my shoulder
just let me go and I will sing you a song
we know that the truth isn't the word of love
but I know something green grows inside your heart
a ha yes or no spit the fucking answer
saying what we want is all that matters
laugh it all that lies right in front of you
right in front of you, one two three four! happier than happieness

if you feel that the time is just passing you by
think again it's the whole point of a living a life
we don't care the perspective that he or she has
what we care is to add some extra colors to you
a-ha high or low where's the starting point
staying at the top is all that matters
laugh it all that lies right in front of us
right in front of us, one two three four! happier than happieness

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