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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:21回 リリース日:2013年3月6日
作詞 illion 
作曲 illion
When I look into your eyes it makes me feel ok
As if it's the very figure I've must have to reach
During my life

Now I see it in my eyes without nothing to say
Since it was the major purpose living here no longer I can stay

Ok, so here it go
Let's see what's next what's coming up

Space time, it's full there's plenty left
Almost as if it's main event

I hand my trousers on the wall
Shall we play with what's hanging on

Oh Creator how do you do?
No way that this could be the end
How dare you doing this?

Wonder how you fell asleep
Without nothing to look forward to
Tomorrow, too sorrow to stand
Oh world please worth it to be awake

When I look into your eyes it makes me feel ok
As if it's the very figure I've must have to reach
During my life

Now I look into your eyes it made me feel ok
Yes it was the very one long time ago I guess oh yes I guess

Ok, so here it go
Let's see what's next what's coming up

Space time, it's full there's plenty left
Almost as if it's main event

I hand my trousers on the wall
Shall we play with what's hanging on?

Oh Creator how do you do?
No way that this could be the end
How dare you doing this?

Wonder how you fell asleep
Without whidhing you never awake
Tomorrow, too sorrow to stand
Oh world please worth it to be slept

Wonder how you fell asleep
Without nothing to look forward to
Tomorrow, too sorrow to stand
Oh world please worth it to be awake

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