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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Rie fu 
作曲 Rie fu
Rie fu & the fu
月のように 光差す
明るくね その笑顔で
お開きも 始まりも
特別ね その笑顔で

淡い思い出 胸が高鳴ったり痛んだり
光るカケラ 昨日との壁の間に

月のように 歌をくれる
近くですぐ その笑顔で
魂の コントロール
優しくね その笑顔で

淡い思い出 胸が高鳴ったり痛んだり
光るカケラ 昨日との壁の隙間に
淡い思い出 胸が高鳴ったり痛んだり
光るカケラ 日々の壁の隙間に

Just like the moon, you're shining me through
Just when I feel blue, you cast a warm sweet smile
Beginning of life, closing of time
When that moment comes, give me your warm sweet smile

The fuzzy memories that give you aches and heartbeats,
See if you can cry with happiness
The tiny pieces, between the walls of yesterday
See if you can inspire

Just like the moon, you give give me a tune
So close and so soon, give me your warm sweet smile
Believe in your soul, what you can control
You're making me whole with your warm sweet smile

The fuzzy memories that gives you aches and heartbeats,
See if you can cry with happiness
The tiny pieces, between the walls of yesterday
See if you can inspire

The fuzzy memories that gives you aches and heartbeats,
See if you can cry with happiness
The tiny pieces, between the walls of every day
See if you can inspire

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