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アクセス回数:36回 リリース日:2012年8月8日
In the End, the Choice is All Yours
作詞 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas 
作曲 Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
What is it that really matters the most
Family, love relationships, and friendship?
What's the dream you've carried since you were little
Well, the solution isn't really important
You have never been honest
So now it is time for you to think hard

Life is not easy.
There's so much to deal with
Living the way you want is always hard because not all people will accept you as(the)way you are

It's hard to not fake
Don't wear that mask
You can't get it off
Once you've putted on
All your thoughts
We hesitate to choose our answer

If it isn't the honest side of you, it has no means at all

No need for you to fake what you carry
Lying is nothing but(a)waste
Say goodbye to yourself you hate
心のありか 探して

Faking is a crime

It is sometime hard to believe in all the truth
You will hate yourself
You will lose confidence and will lose yourself and your hope


Please do not kill your mind(and)true self
Always stay as who you are and don't waste yourself

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