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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:26回 リリース日:2011年6月15日
作曲 佐野森吾
run in parallel
While keeping space delicately

The two of each other
go into parallel
While hitting beautiful light

Irony, seriously, defenseless, funnily
Patronize each other
But we doesn't hold a dream and a desire
Probably It will be the dull world

We have a hope and turn down an idea and
We piled up and jumping the stairs slowly
Break the stairs I piled up
Even wanna make friends with somebody

Take freedom! Relieve it!
Wake up! and open your mind!

run in parallel
While keeping space delicately

The two of each other
go into parallel
While hitting beautiful light

Irony, seriously, defenseless, funnily
Patronize each other
If there isn't a weir, the man will not injure a man, but will become the dull world

A detour and hope are connected by the equal sign It approaches slowly
Repeat de(struction) and re(generation)
We make 0 to 1 be hurt, and being hurt

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