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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:9回 リリース日:2010年7月14日
作詞 宮脇渉 
作曲 12012
I don't want to hear it anymore. Hurry shut the door.
My mind is falling apart thanks to the World is killing my mind.

I don't want to hear it anymore. Hurry.....
My doppelganger is awaken by the voice of the World.

Don't block my way. Don't block my way.

No matter where I go it's a dead-end.
dead-end. dead-end. dead-end. [I'll destroy it.]

This path will surely lead to another dead-end.
dead-end. dead-end. dead-end. [I'll destroy it.]

鳥獣戯画の宴の中 四季采々料理が並び
高級なる概念の思想家 Just get the hell out of my sight.
Feels like I'm going crazy. Antagonizing.
Listening to you voice make my allergies kick in.

Don't block my way. Don't block my way.
Don't make excuses for my actions. Don't you dare deny my existence.

No matter where I go it's a dead-end.
dead-end. dead-end. dead-end. [I'll destroy it.]
This path will surely lead to another dead-end.
dead-end. dead-end. dead-end. [I'll destroy it.]

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