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アクセス回数:41回 リリース日:2009年7月1日
Zak And Sara
作詞 Ben Folds 
作曲 Ben Folds
Ben Folds
Sara, spelled without an'H'was getting bored
On a Peavey amp in 1984
While Zak without a'C'tried out some new guitars
Playing Sara with no"H's"favorite song

La da da
Zak and Sara

Often Sara would have spells where she lost time
She saw the future
She heard voices from inside
The kind of voices she would soon learn to deny
Because at home they got her smacked

La da da
Zak and Sara

Zak called his dad about layaway plans
Sara told the friendly salesman that
"You'll all die in your cars"
And"why's it gotta be dark?"
And you're all living in a submarine, asshole!

Then she saw the lights
She saw a pale english face
Some strange machines repeating beats
And thumping bass
Visions of pills to put you in a loving trance
That make it possible for all white boys to dance
And when Zak finished Sara's song
Sara clapped

La da da
Zak and Sara

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