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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:133回 リリース日:2009年6月24日
Diving into your mind
作詞 畠山美由紀 
作曲 畠山美由紀
It's the hardest thing
Living in doubt
I'm sleeping on the table in the sun
Every cloud's shadow's stroking my face
And they go away

I don't cry anymore
It's just sad to watch the clouds that are passing very quickly in the sky
But I'll let you know
That I'll, I'll never surrender

Diving into your mind
And you'll always find the key
Just listen to yoru voice
You can't say it in words
But you can understand
It's been the same as before
How the loneliest people can touch other people's hearts?
And why do I always hurt you?
I really, really love you so much thought

Living everyday
Sharing with you
I'm thinking of the days I didn't know
The future is always chosen by every moment

I got with you
When you softly put your hand
On my right shoulder
I almost cry
'Cause I feel your warmness
It's just like the sunset

Diving into your mind
And you'll always find the key
Just listen to your voice
You can't say it in words
But you can understand
It's been the same as before
Even when you think it's over
You don't know that
How and when a true resulf shows up in your life
So I'm sayin' loud
I really, really love you so much

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