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アクセス回数:21回 リリース日:2007年11月7日
作詞 SoulJa 
作曲 佐藤博
泥水を吸い上げる蓮の花も やがては美しい花咲かす
それと同じく 人は絶望的な状況にも奇跡を起こす
戦争中敵同士の二国 Myじっちゃんand Opaの国の子供たちが
やがて育ち出会い愛し合い やがて俺を授かり
ある意味子供たちは平和の象徴 他人が出会い生むその結晶
そう考えると 今の世の中でも必ずある「希望」

このほほえみこそ みなを包む
children, stay strong and live for love.<yeah yeah yeah>

The worlds strickin by a sickness, what is this?
We witness the world crumble apart into this ocean of wickedness,
Where right wing idealist and other racialists
Be killing each other over some petty differences.
And, meaningless deaths leaving mothers left crying on both sides,
Inbeding anger and pain into the ones who survive and now theres you're reason why
We still stuck in this struggle with this fear in our lives.
Another question is what you gonna do
When giving somebody life gonna mean death to you?
When letting somebody eat's gonne mean hunger for you?
And when dropping the gun's gotta begin with you?
Hu, don't matter if your faith is in evolution
Or some sort of religion just look at the beginning and then
You'll find theres no difference with each other,
Just look at them, you killin your own brohers

世界が闇にのまれていく中で 人は決して絶望してはいけねえ
だからこそ小さいろうそくでも 燃え上がる炎のたいまつのように
光を差すa paty to a未来
Dat don't need no 大量破壊兵器and子供たちcan live in peace and eat.
A未来, where we don't need no戦争
A未来, 人々は平等
A未来, where we can love and grow old and watch out children grow wid 希望and愛情
で この世は確かにおっかねえが 人の心も捨てたもんじゃねえな
蓮の花みたいに泥の中からでも 花を咲かせたろうや

このほほえみこそ みなを包む
children, stay strong and live for love. <yeah yeah yeah>

you gotta remember <to all the children of asia>
you gotta remember, you are the light of the future!
gotta remember < all the children in america>
you gotta remember <to all the children in europe>
gotta remember <children of the middle east>gotta remember,
you are the light of the future

<you gotta you gotta/remember remember/that you are, yes you are/the future,>

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