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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:38回 リリース日:2003年5月21日
You lost me How do you feel?
It's too late Even if you wanna me back

たとえ長い年月でも結末がこれじゃ一気に恋心もCool down
無駄な言い訳はよしな You're better find a new girl
惚れた頃は盲目 もうそろOpen a new door
やめときなさい 訳分からぬ妄想
今回は言わせてもらうわ 存在自体消えてほしいから
If you wanna be a player (then baby do your thing)
とにかくIt's too late to hold me back even if you want me back
You can't hold me back even if you want me back


What are you talking about?
You want me now?
I ain't got time for play around
It's too late to hold me back
All you do is slow me down
If you wanna be with me
Do what you gotta do and come back again
I don't think you'll be better man
Anyway forget about me, sorry man
Think about what you did for me
Nothing!! It was waste of time
This is the way I feel about you
I'm talking to you
I know you don't wanna listen to me
But you're gonna hear me
You're gonna see my picture on the wall
Every where you go

You'd better look at yourself in a mirror
It ain't cool It ain't cool
Don't you understand it? now it's over
now it's over now it's over

今さらbaby 遅いよbaby 振り返らないって決めたの
今までだって沢山あって 反り合わないって気づいたの

so please give it up!(now it's over)
so please give it up!(I don't want you no more)
so please give it up!(now it's over)
so please give it up!(don't you understand it, now it's over)

Straight to the top
Ridin' to the top
Straight to the top
Keep risin' to the top

You lost me it's too late


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