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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Maynard/Blaise 
作曲 Maynard/Blaise
You know the pressure is building up on me.
The news has got me convinced that everyone is guilty.
Outside the rain is dripping,"oh so nice?"
But wouldn't go out, couldn't just smile, I couldn't be me.
Confusion's got the better part of me.

And all you gotta do is pretend that we are working,
on a better world that's lost all of its turning.
It's like we never do a thing.

Does that give you happiness?
Oh happiness! Oh happiness is all need from you.
Yeah happiness is all I need from you.

And everybody seems to be feeling the same way I do.
What's new in the tabloids?"The sky is falling on you!"
Maybe we are all crazy, maybe we are just lazy.
In time you'll realize, yeah you just might.
Maybe the world keeps turning on its other side.

And all you gotta do is pretend that we are walking,
around a world where a sun's still shining.
The weather never does a thing,
but it gives you happiness! Oh happiness, oh happiness is all I need from you,
yeah happiness is hard for me and you

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