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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Can't stop being BAD
作詞 Skye 
作曲 Paul/Skye
Can't stop smoking cigarettes
Can't stop drinking underage
Can't stop driving every lane
Can't stop fucking up every day

Are u ready to party in hell
Can u hear the beat of the drums
Grab your ladies move your hips
Don't stop moving just dance dance

Can't stop being bad cas I'm born this way
Woh oh woh oh
Can't stop being bad cas I'm loving this stage
Woh oh woh oh

I do what I want to do
Fight if I have to
I don't wanna live with the safety on

Can't stop being bad cas I'm loving this stage
Can't stop!!!

Can't stop I fell in love with the cage
Can't stop I got the cops on my tail
Can't stop all my friends are in jail
Can't stop I gotta play it smart

Are u ready to party in hell
Can u hear the beat of the drums
Grab your ladies move your hips
Don't stop moving just dance dance

Can't stop being bad cas I'm born this way
Woh oh woh oh
Can't stop being bad cas I'm loving this stage
Woh oh woh oh

I do what I want to do
Fight if I have to
I don't wanna live with the safety on

Can't stop being bad cas I'm born this way
Can't stop!!!

Can't stop won't stop

Can't stop being bad cas I'm born this way
Woh oh woh oh
Can't stop being bad cas I'm loving this stage
Woh oh woh oh

I do what I want to do
Fight if I have to
I don't wanna live with the safety on

Can't stop being bad cas I'm loving this stage
Can't stop!!!

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WENDYさん『Can't stop being BAD』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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