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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:86回 リリース日:2023年10月4日
Cry Out -victims-
作詞 命-mikoto- 
作曲 命-mikoto-
They musut hold their breath and live
Nightmarish days sre just reality
終わる事なく ただ繰り返してく
They can never escape
There's no way out of hell
No color No sound No light
This place is meeting downfall

Coz I wanna go back before claos
Break Down Break Down
So I wish and declare
No, I don't want it to end like this, never!!
But I can't do anythig Cry Out just Cry Out
Just cry and scream
God't help…They need god's help
Coz I can't do anything
Cry out…just only Cry Out――――

Why should they suffer
Why are they chosen to be the victims?
They were just born into this world

Where is god What are you doing
If there really is a god he's a jerk bastard
You're not a "God" You're a "Devil"

Cry Out…

I don't want it to end like this, never!!

Cry out just cry and scream
God's help…They need god's help
Coz I can't do anything Cry out…

Break Down Break Down
So I wish and deelare
No, I don't want it to end like this, never!!
But I can't do anythig Cry Out just Cry Out
Just cry and scream
God't help…They need god's help
Coz I can't do anything
Cry out…just only Cry Out――――

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