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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:30回 リリース日:2022年7月6日
Here With You
作詞 Masato 
作曲 Y.K.C/Masato
fading away in darkness
you hide yourself again
swallow the pain to sadness
running through your veins
but I will not be just a witness
and watch you bury everything you believe
no I will not be the one
the one that let's you quit

so don't run run runaway now
and leave it all behind
don't run run runaway now
and leave it all

because if you're broken
I'll be broken here with you
if you're sinking
I'll go sinking down with you
no matter where you go
no matter what you do
I'll be there because you would too
when you're happy
I wanna be happy here with you

you can't walk with the weight of world
you can't talk if your choking yourself
you've got to know when
to ask for help or just let go
you're not alone

so don't run don't you runaway now
and leave it all behind
don't run run runaway now
and leave it all

because if you're broken
I'll be broken here with you
if you're sinking
I'll go sinking down with you
no matter where you go
no matter what you do
I'll be there because you would too
when you're happy
I wanna be happy here with you

don't run away
don't run away
don't run away

because if you're broken
I'll be broken here with you
if you're sinking
I'll go sinking down with you
no matter where you go
no matter what you do
I'll be there because you would too
when you're happy
I wanna be happy here with you

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