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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:20回 リリース日:2022年4月13日
作詞 Hisao Tamura 
作曲 ulma sound junction
ulma sound junction
I don't know if you intended to
leave me here to cry.
I don't know if you intended to
abandon me when you died.

Can you be my Messiah?
I found a new place for a good time.
Can you show me the world?
I found a new place for a good time.

I'll sink into the void.

Waiting, shining, I'll keep our promise forever.
We've been riding on the stream of time, forsaken.
We've been searching for moments of gold.
We'll have a good time.
Gonna have a good time.

Awake, I call out in anger,
"Did you go to sleep forever?
Were you granted death or eternal life?
Did you go to sleep forever?
Is life suffering?"

Waiting, pining, sighed in the cold of forever.
We've tasted the coldest blood of the forsaken.
We've been in silence.
Believe me when I say we'll have a good time.
We'll have a good time.

Awake, I call out in anger,
Bleeding in the sweet seduction of death or life,
"Are you still around somewhere?"
Bleeding in the sweet seduction,
Life is suffering.

We watched together under the dark skies.
Save me from never-bending will.

Save me from the death inside.
Save me from the guilt inside.
Don't know if I can hang on.
Someday I just might lose myself.

Why do we keep the guilt inside?
Why do we blame ourselves?
Someday I just might lose myself.
But not today.

Feel the pain.
Always I feel the pain.
Go back tonight to those days.

When you were alone those summer days.
We entered a newborn world in dismay.
Every countless new day,
We've joined the newborn world today.

I traced the invisible lines that made up my world,
built and held my cage.
Every countless new day,
If you want them, they're here.

I've got never-ending days.
So many more to come my way.
I've got never-ending days
to make up for all the things that I've lost.

I've got never end…
I've got ending day.
Oh, I'll make it.

I've got never end…
I've never ending day,
Oh, I'll make it.

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
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