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アクセス回数:4回 リリース日:2022年4月13日
Modern Bleed
作詞 Hisao Tamura 
作曲 ulma sound junction
ulma sound junction
They said unleash your grudge and strength.
Make them obey to death.
They will eventually say and rot,
That the world is so unfair.

It must feel so good to condemn others on moral grounds.
Don't try to measure things in terms of your own values.

Regulation of social media is like sword hunt.
There's no make sense.
You are the first one to fall down.
They point the lens of their phone at you,
not the gun.
No one will have privacy.
Everyone can see your property.

Oh, What would you do?
The high ground they are on will one day be flat.
Look at 'em. What would you do?
They will soon be using our corpses to make way for them.

Take control, to the new rotten world.
Take control,
And let your grudge take shape too.

Spiral out your mind.

I don't know who you are,
but we are mirrors,
revealing each other's pride and shame.

Nobody's more comedic than you.
Nobody's more tragic than me.

I don't know who you are,
but we are mirrors, revealing each other's spite and faith.

Nobody's more tragic than you.
Nobody's more comedic than me.

How do you feel?
Scum caught up in the blame game.
People like you are taking away someone's future.

It must feel so good.
Don't try to measure things in terms of your own values.

How do we shed that malice?
How do we get that belief?

What decision will you make when you realize that what
you've built up is worthless?

Oh, What would you do?
The high ground they are on will one day be flat.

Please don't let me die young,
The blood is still in me.

I don't know who you are,
but we are mirrors,
revealing each other's pride and shame.

Nobody's more comedic than you.
Nobody's more tragic than me.

I don't know who you are,
but we are mirrors,
revealing each other's spite and faith.

Nobody's more comedic than you.
Nobody's more tragic than me.
Nobody's healing me.

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