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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:64回 リリース日:2020年5月20日
WTF lol
作詞 藤井風 
作曲 藤井風
I'm wondering if I should I tell you that
You got a dried-green-seaweed stuck in your teeth
Sometimes, It's better to keep the truth untold

... Don't you say you didn't wanna know it
I love you all the same, all the time
Though I'm here with you through thick and thin
You can't see me, you ignore me, cause I'm too close to you

You're walking alone in the rain
I whisper in your heart 'Don't go that way'
You gon' keep acting like you don't hear me
Nobody can't stop you from diving into a Honey bucket

WTF is that
Didn't I tell you beforehand
Then, WTF is that
Why didn't you listen to me at all
WTF is that face? lol
We made a vow at the corner of flowering town
What was that smile on your face
What on earth was that tears in your eyes

You can be bold to do something risky
You can be cautious and go your way carefully
You just don't know the truth that
You already know all the truth, from the start

The regrets that made you learn a lot
Can be easily forgotten by living everyday life
With a fresh and empty resolve in your heart
You're confidently diving into the Honey bucket again!

WTF is that
Didn't I tell you beforehand
Then, WTF is that
Why didn't you listen to me at all
WTF is that face? lol
We made a vow at the corner of flowering town
What was that smile on your face
What on earth was that tears in your eyes

Heaven help me, OMG OMG OMG OMG
Light my way, OMG OMG OMG OMG

Let your eyes close, Listen what your heart says
With a warm feelings, Listen to the answer
Don't make me sing again that 'Betrayal Blues'

It's called 'WTF lol' (Nan-Nan w)
Yeah I told you, right?
Then, WTF is that
Why didn't you listen to me
What, What, Whaaat
What was that smile on your face
What on earth was that tears in your eyes

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