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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
Don't Kill My Melody
作詞 Luiza 
作曲 Yoma
The Winking Owl
Please tell me where we're headed to
'cause it's gone out of control.
All I know is that everything I've been building up till now's
falling off my hands like they don't even matter.

What the hell is going on!?

Don't kill my melody.You will never know.
Don't kill my melody.You'll never know.
Suppression breaks intentions.
Don't blow the candle out.

With the way you deny all of me.
Makes me feel like I don't exist.
Sure,it helps me build my patience over the same old routines
But too much of it will break me down to pieces.

What the hell is going on!?

Don't kill my melody.You will never know.
Don't kill my melody.You'll never know.
Suppression breaks intentions.
Don't blow the candle out.

Don't blow the candle out.
Don't blow the candle out.

This is lose lose situation.


Don't kill my melody.You will never know.
Don't kill my melody.You'll never know.
Suppression breaks intentions.
Don't blow the candle out.

Don't kill my melody.You will never know.
Don't kill my melody.You'll never know.
Suppression breaks intentions.
Don't blow the candle out.

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The Winking Owlさん『Don't Kill My Melody』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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