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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:11回 リリース日:2015年7月15日
作詞 伊藤ふみお 
作曲 田中'T'幸彦
I will never forgive some people I know well
For all the lies they've made…
I kind of want to thank them for
giving me these hot emotions in my life!

Hate! Hate! Hate for good! Hate! Hate! Hate for good!
Hate! Hate! Hate for good! Hate! Hate! Hate!

You know what? Living this feeling makes me so strong!
I truly think… I wish I could ruin everything in their lives!
I try to change… all of the anger to the power to believe!
It stings and leaves a scare on the heart and it's going on!

I can never forget all the things he said
I start shaking when I think of it!
Many things he says sound kind of right but he never walks
the same way that he talks!

Hate! Hate! Hate for good! Hate! Hate! Hate for good!
Hate! Hate! Hate for good! Hate! Hate! Hate!

You know what? Living this feeling makes me so, so strong!
I truly think… I wish I could ruin everything in their lives!
I try to change… all of the anger to the power to believe!
It stings and leaves a scare on the heart and it's going on!

Hate! Hate! Hate for good! Hate! Hate! Hate for good!
Hate! Hate! Hate!

You know what? Living this feeling makes me so, so strong!
I truly think… I wish I could ruin everything in their lives!
I try to change… all of the anger to the power to believe!
It stings and leaves a scare on the heart and it's going on!

I want to wear my very own real smile!

I want to be faithful to my heart!

Now I'm ready to smile to whom I love and who I hate!

Hate! Hate! Hate!

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