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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Salyu/国府達矢 
作曲 小山田圭吾
Oh, the way you make me feel
Joyful, sad in the same breath
Feeling uncertain, feeling safe
Emotion running through me

Oh, the world that you show me
Faces, places in my mind
Protagonist in my story
That's what you teach to me

So far away,
The music takes me(you know)
So deep in this feeling(feeling higher)
The melody, rhythm, harmony
Coming high and low, side-side
Flowing, Slow, Fast - Transport you
Invisible to eyes
Feel it with your life
Music is the warm
Beating heart that calls
To me
From outside

Oh, blurring all of my lines
Just like love touching my heart
Melting into the flowing sound
Traveling with my ears

Oh, give wings to all my hopes
Elucidate my emotions
Taking me back and forth in space
And bring me back to myself

So far away,
The music takes me(you know)
So deep in this feeling(feeling higher)
The melody, rhythm, harmony
Coming high and low, side-side
Flowing, Slow, Fast - Transport you
Invisible to eyes
Feel it with your life
Music is the warm
Beating heart that calls
To me
To you

Oh, the world that you show me
Faces, places in my mind
Protagonist in my story
That's what you teach to me

So far away,
The music takes me(you know)
So deep in this feeling(feeling higher)
The melody, rhythm, harmony
Coming high and low, side-side
Flowing, Slow, Fast - Transport you
Invisible to eyes
Feel it with your life
Music is the warm
Beating heart that calls

©2001~ Interrise Inc. All Rights Reserved
うたまっぷ 」では、著作権保護の観点より歌詞の印刷行為を禁止しています。





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