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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
アクセス回数:5回 リリース日:2022年3月30日
作詞 TiiGA SCRiiMA 
作曲 Tony Juan Pilos
Staring up at the deep blue sky I
found myself lost again I'm drowning
Your words pierced through my flesh
but that's what saved my soul from falling

You always want to have me in the palm of your hand
but now everything seems so calm from where I stand
Acceptance is a curse but forgiveness is a cure
So much for distorting a sound so clear and pure

If only I had known back then
Someday we'll start over again
At least now you know what I felt
So confused so disconnected

I'll find a way to forgive
I give you my word for this
but I think I need a little more time
This is my remedy
or is this my reckoning

Putting those memories back together
will get you no where you might as well leave it
'Cause you're missing some pieces
It'll take forever It's just how you perceive it

You always want to have me in the palm of your hand
but now everything seems so calm from where I stand
Acceptance is a curse but forgiveness is a cure
So much for distorting a sound so clear and pure

If only I had known back then
Someday we'll start over again
At least now you know what I felt
So confused so disconnected

I'll find a way to forgive
I give you my word for this
but I think I need a little more time
This is my remedy
or is this my reckoning

I know these scars upon me won't fade for long
There's no taking back all that you have done wrong

but no one deserves to meet their fate alone

If only I had known back then
Someday we'll start over again
At least now you know what I felt
So confused so disconnected

I'll find a way to forgive
I give you my word for this
but I think I need a little more time
This is my remedy
or is this my reckoning

If only I had known back then
Someday we'll start over again
At least now you know what I felt
So confused so disconnected

I'll find a way to forgive
I give you my word for this
but I think I need a little more time
This is my remedy
or is this my reckoning

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TiiGA SCRiiMAさん『ReBIRTH』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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