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Dreaming Again
作詞 Linda Hennrick 
作曲 Yasuhiro Mitani
I see a new world Where people live in peace
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again
Somewhere a future Where children can be free
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again

I see a blue sky With air so fresh and clean
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again
Crystal clear waters And forests evergreen
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again

I see paradise Everytime I close my eyes
A place that is shiny and new
How I hope and pray I will wake to see the day
The dream that I dream Will come true

We could find heaven On earth, but until then
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again

I see a rich land For man and beast to share
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again
Bread for the hungry Plenty more to spare
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again

When I open my eyes My dreaming is all in vain
How can this world survive If we don't try to change

We could find heaven On earth, but until then
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again

I see a new world Where people live in peace
I'm dreaming I'm dreaming again

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スターダスト・レビューさん『Dreaming Again』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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