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無料歌詞検索サイト うたまっぷ
作詞 Edward Chisolm 
作曲 Christopher Maynard Barbosa
We started dancing and love put us into a groove
As soon as we started to move.

The music played while our bodies displayed through the dance,
Then love picked us out for romance.

I thought it was clear the plan was we would share,
This feeling just between ourselves.
But when the music changed, the plan was re-arranged
He went to dance with someone else.

We started dancing and love put us into a groove
But now he's with somebody new, what does love want me to do?
Love said:

Let the music play he won't get away,
Just keep the groove and then he'll come back to you again, let it play,
Let the music play he won't get away,
This groove he can't ignore, he won't leave you anymore,
no, no, no.

He tried pretending a dance is just a dance, but I see
He's dancing his way back to me.

Guess he's discovered we are truly lovers,
Magic from the very start, Cause love just can be proven
Anytime we're movin'
Even though we danced apart.

So we started dancing and love put us into the groove
As soon as we started to move, as soon as we started to move.
Love said:

Let the music play he won't get away,
Just keep the groove and then he'll come back to you again, let it play.
Let the music play he won't get away,
This groove he can't ignore, he won't leave you anymore,
no, no, no.

He tried pretending a dance is just a dance, but I see
He's dancing his way back to me,
He's dancing his way back to me.
Love said:

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EXILEさん『LET THE MUSIC PLAY』の歌詞をブログ等にリンクしたい場合、下記のURLをお使いくださいませ。




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