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Nice Traction
作詞 平床政治 
作曲 岡本洋平
Hermann H.&The Pacemakers
Final stage in our summer days
and the count down's started now till the end
but it does not bother my nice traction
and it does not ruin our relation

Frontal page in your diary
in a fat red pen reads"Kill them all"
but it does not bother my nice traction
and it does not ruin our relation
justify the sunshine in our hearts

really wide in a wide open space
hear a gull crying your smile away
so look for me before the next season comes
very far the sky's now so far away
and she also looks so sad feeling the change

improper sized foreign tanker heads
to a multi-coloured horizon
but it does not bother my nice traction
and it does not ruin our relation

all things pass and it's never the same
she signed inside a hesitation
but it does not bother my nice traction
justify the sunshine in our hearts

really wide in a wide open space
hear a gull crying your smile away
so look for me before the next season comes
very far the sky's now so far away
and she also looks so sad feeling the change

Final stage in our summer days
and the count down's started now till the end
but it does not bother my nice traction
and it does not ruin our relation
justify the sunshine in our hearts

really wide in a wide open space
hear a gull crying your smile away
so look for me before the next season comes
very far the sky's now so far away
and she also looks so sad feeling the change

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